Monday, December 10, 2012

Unfair Dismissal: Getting the Employment Advice You Need

Unfair dismissal represents one of the main elements of modern employment law, providing employees with practical solutions to workplace issues. The law concerning unfair dismissal has worked to place the steps of fair procedure at the forefront of an employer's mind when contemplating disciplinary procedures or the dismissal of an employee. However, there are many cases still present that involve unfair dismissal, whether it is breaking contractual arrangements, being pushed out of the business, bullying, sexual harassment or issues in the workplace that are contributing to workplace stress.

The positive aspect for those who feel that they have been dismissed unfairly is that that law and regulatory requirements placed on business, employee relations and agreements, provides an avenue for individuals to voice their personal grievances and complaints in a formal and legal environment. However, this should not be done on one's own accord. A detailed knowledge of the employment law and the situation pertaining to the unfair dismissal is required to build a logical and worthy case against those accused of unfair dismissal; otherwise, the chances of successfully bringing an unfair dismissal action against a current or former employer is limited. Just as you would search and secure the professional services of a lawyer in the case of developing employment contracts and agreements, the same professional advice is essential in any situation of unfair dismissal.

There are numerous situations where past employees have been unfairly dismissed but due to their lack of knowledge about the current employment law, have no idea that they have a legal standing to voice these concerns. The act of unfair dismissal covers a wide range of inappropriate activities and behaviour by employers, including but not limited to workplace stress, bullying, sexual and racial harassment, discrimination, personally derived redundancies or feeling that you are being forced out of the business or the current position that you hold within an organisation. Furthermore, bring these concerns to the appropriate authorities within the business environment can be somewhat difficult and embarrassing.

It is imperative that any personal grievances or complaints that you have in the workplace environment be voiced. However, to ensure that you have a full understanding of the situation, your legal rights and responsibilities, it is essential that you seek the professional advice that is only available through experienced employment law firms and consultants.

If an amicable solution cannot be secured between the two parties, then the case will often involve mediation between a representative for yourself and the employer's lawyer. An investigation of the case by the Employment Relations Authority often follows and in some cases, a hearing before the Employment Court. Ensure that you receive the professional advice regarding your personal grievance and complaints, along with the professional representation required to successfully bring a claim of unfair dismissal.

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Six Fundamentals of a Successful Product Launch

Do you want to become an Olympic champion, a successful business owner or an award winning Author? What makes a person achieve greatness? Whatever you want to accomplish it all comes down to perfecting the basics and fundamentals to be successful.

Launching a product on the internet is challenging unless you know the basics of generating online excitement. I am going to provide a basic strategy to follow. There are many ways to launch products but these are the basics

Fundamental #1: Update your Website

Update your website with information about your product prior to its release. This can include newsletters, a sales landing page or new section detailing specifics about your product. This important process provides prospects and customers information on how to purchase your product. Without this you could spend thousands of dollars on marketing your product with nowhere to make the sale.

I recommend a news item and adding new pages to your website to explain the product launch to your customers. Include information on how to purchase the product once released. This new content will eventually be indexed on major search engines. I recommend using Hudson Hhorizons' Sitemap Manager to speed up this process.

Fundamental #2: Submit a Press Release

A press release informs the public, media, journalists, news sites and search engines about your product launch. It is important to a successful launch to provide an intriguing announcement which could reach top news websites like Google News, Yahoo News and major web portals like Yahoo, AltaVista, AlltheWeb and others.

Exposure received through a press release is essential to a successful product launch.

Fundamental #3: Utilize Email Marketing

Providing emails to prospects and customers in the form of newsletters, sales letters or landing pages with links to your website is vital to your pre and post product launch. This is an effective and cost effective method to announcing your product. Direct mail campaigns are expensive and will not provide the ease of use an email campaign can provide its viewer.

Fundamental #4: Submit your Products to Froogle

Froggle is Google's free shopping search engine directory reaching thousands of online shoppers. Froggle links directly to your products and your website and is 100% free. It opens the opportunity to have your products indexed for thousands of buyers searching for products like yours. The internet is a numbers game, the more content you have indexed the greater your chance of being discovered. Froggle can increase your product exposure on the internet to new prospect.

Fundamental #5: Setup an Affiliate Program

Affiliates can drive traffic to your website in exchange for monetary incentives. Establish partners or affiliates that will provide exposure for and resell of your products in order to increase your sales revenue.

Fundamental #6: Advertise

The last but most important step of a successful product launch is to market and advertise your website to increase visitor traffic. It will be difficult to generate sales without substantial traffic.

There are hundreds of ways to advertise your website from setting up an automated Google Sitemap and Google AdWords to posting articles on an article distribution website. A successful and cost effective strategy is to utilize Google AdWords. Your ads can connect you with prospects when they are searching for products and services like yours. AdWords lets you create ads using keywords that match your products and prospects as they click on your ads. You pay for your ad only when the prospect clicks it. This is called pay-per-click advertising. If setup properly this is a cost effective way to drive new business.

I hope these six fundamentals will benefit your next product launch. Remember to understand and perfect the basics. If you can do this, you will be successful.

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Joomla Component Development

Joomla is a free open source CMS extensively used for web development and designing purposes. Released in September, 2005, it has gradually won the hearts of the web developers, which is reflected in their work and has won it even greater fan followers in the form of satisfied end users. Inspite of being the second best CMS over the web, the Joomla development team are continuously releasing more stable versions ever since its inception, from time to time. Joomla alpha 3.0 version being the latest.

Joomla component is usually viewed as mini-applications and therefore form an important part of any website. Each component has basically two parts, namely:

1. The Administrative part: This part is accessible by the admin through the Joomla administrator application. It provides an interface to configure and manage the numerous functionalities that the component offers.

2. The Site Part: This part of the component is used to render pages when called to perform normal site operations.

The reason behind Joomla's popularity is partly related to its numerous extensions available, in the form of Joomla components, modules, plug-ins and many others. Although Joomla offers a limited number of components in the form of banners, content management system, contacts, web links and news feed, yet the bulk of quality Joomla components are developed by its active community members.

Thus, to have a fully functional Joomla website, components have a greater role to play. In search of a component, one can always look for it from the pool of Joomla components available. But, if you are in need of custom components for your website, then you have a big task at hand. Because choosing the right service provider for Joomla component development can indeed seem to be confusing and somewhat frustrating. Here are some of the guidelines to be kept in mind that would certainly make your hunt for the appropriate service provider worth-while:

1. Check out for testimonials to have a better idea about their client satisfaction

2. Ensure that the components are compatible with most Joomla templates

3. Insist for a negotiable price and time quote with the service provider

4. Review their creativity by the way they handle custom Joomla developments

5. Ask for stringent web browser compatibility tests to be carried out

6. Stress on the support and maintenance features offered in the package

7. Feel free to discuss about alternative provisions in-case of failure to quality delivery

Apart from these, for custom component development, ensure that they follow strict GNU/GPL licensing for each of the products.

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Popular Dining Places During Your Dog Friendly Holidays

One of the best places to spend your holidays is in Dartmoor which is located in Devon. If you are bringing your pets with you during your holidays, make sure you have planned for dog friendly holidays. Make sure that you have booked the luxurious holiday cottages for your family as these cottages are pet-friendly too. There are many interesting places you can visit during your Dartmoor holidays which are near your holiday cottages. There are several interesting dining places you must try too during your holidays even if your holiday cottages are self-catering. Here are some of the popular dining options you can try out in Dartmoor.

The Rugglestone Inn

One of the best places where you are guaranteed to have a hot meal is the Rugglestone Inn. You can have delicious English dishes at this restaurant during your dog friendly Dartmoor holidays. Choose from many delicious dishes such as chicken, beef lasagne with garlic bread, homemade fish pie and spinach cannelloni, all guaranteed to be delicious. There are more choices available so you can possibly find your favourite. You can choose to dine in the cosy ambiance of the dining area or have your meal outside at the patio where you can have a view of the beautiful landscape.

The Kings Arms

The Kings Arms is a popular pub/restaurant that you can try out during your holidays. It is conveniently located in Wilkleigh and is easily accessible from the luxurious and comfortable holiday cottages where you are staying. The Bar, The Dining Room, The Ward Room and the Captain's Table are the four sections of the restaurant. Whatever place you choose to dine in, you will always get an enchanting experience. The following dishes come highly recommended and are some of those you must order when you go to the restaurant: vegetarian shepherd's pie with jacket potatoes, steak and kidney parcel, ham eggs and chips, prawn and crab salad, baguettes and soup of the day. There are more dishes available at the restaurant. You must call and book when you want to dine here at the Kings Arms during your Dartmoor holidays.

The Royal Oak Inn

Another popular restaurant that would be a great place for your family to dine in during your dog friendly Dartmoor holidays is the Royal Oak Inn. You can get some great delicious English dishes here and several drinks to pair with your food. This restaurant is popular with the locals but is well recommended for the tourists too. You get generous servings at this restaurant so this would be a perfect place to bring your family especially if you are really food lovers. You can have lunch from 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday and up to 3 p.m. during Saturdays and Sundays or dinner from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily.

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A Book As A Chess Teacher

Chess can be taught in a variety of ways and it is each person's choice how to find the best chess teacher for themselves.

Some people do well with live people, some do well with web links, videos, audios, and click by click prompts to explain each move and why it is the correct one.

Many people who have tried to learn by reading books have decided that chess is too complicated for them. The shorthand notation they use is too hard. But there are now books that the regular person who wants to learn about chess can do so. It probably wasn't that chess was too hard for them, just the book.

Books that teach in laymen's terms for beginners are the best. Books that explain the rich history of the game, the antique boards and pieces also enrich the experience. There are plenty of books with lots of pictures and diagrams of the way the board should look as the person steps through a game. We must first learn about the board, about the rows and columns and what they are called. How to correctly set the pieces, how the pieces move, what is the best way to start a game? What the correct ways to answer the opening movements are. Learn how to use the pieces as a group or army to protect the king instead of individual pieces acting on their own mission. Let the book teach you how to use more than one piece to set up the others and what to do after capturing or losing a major piece.

All of these things can be explained in the way a rocket scientist explains the blast off to the moon, or the way a person tells a friend how to make a recipe or their favorite holiday centerpiece. In other words it can be made to be very difficult but it doesn't have to be. Choose a book that fits your demeanor and personality. Try to choose a book that explains chess the way you want to hear it whether it is a serious book about the greatest moves of the grandmasters, or if it's a Complete Idiots Guide that teaches and sheds humor on the subject along the way.

Chess can be a game or it can be an adventure that can be a lifetime of learning. To find the correct chess book and the right chess teacher can make chess one of the most interesting travels you will ever take.

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Essential Tools for Lawn Garden Care and Maintenance While on a Budget

If you are planning to start a beautiful home garden, there are several things you must know in terms of your lawn garden care and maintenance. Since you are interested in taking care of your lawn on your own, there are several tools and pieces of equipment that you will need to invest money in. At the same time, you have to make sure that you buy the appropriate tools for the size of your garden.

Lawnmower: One of the most important things you need to invest money in is a good lawnmower. You will need to choose the right mower because if you just go for the one that looks better and performs the job faster, you will end up spending lots of money. When choosing a lawnmower, you have to remember that there is an extensive range and variety of mowers and sizes that they come in. Aside from this, they also have different prices which can fit just about any budget. The most common lawnmowers include:

Riding Mowers Gas Push Mowers Electric and Gas Hover Mowers Electric and Gas Rotary Mowers Manual and Electric Roller Mowers Manual Side Wheel Mowers

If you do not have the budget for a new lawnmower, you can look for a secondhand mower which is still in good condition on eBay or Craigslist. It does not matter how it looks, as long as it performs a good job for your lawn garden care.

Edge Trimmer: Also called a strimmer, this tool will help you tidy up your lawn's edges. The ideal trimmer that you should get is a powered trimmer which can be run by gas or electricity. However, if you do not have the budget for this, you can still opt for edging shears to keep everything neat and tidy.

Wire Rake: Another essential tool you need for your lawn garden care and maintenance is a wire rake. This will help you clear up your lawn from the leaves that have fallen as well as the other types of debris that may affect the look of your lawn.

Garden Fork: Another important tool you will need for your lawn maintenance is a garden fork. This is a good tool to use especially if you need to aerate the soil. Aerating means letting air enter the soil beneath your lawn. As you delve deeper into your lawn care, you will get to know how important aerating your lawn is.

Hose Reel and a Sprinkler: Before installing any hose reel or sprinklers in your lawn, make sure that your local laws permit it. As soon as you have verified this information, you can start looking for a sprinkler. There are lots of these available in your neighboring hardware specialty shops. They also come in different types and price ranges.

The above mentioned tools are just a few of the essentials that you will need for your lawn garden care and maintenance. As soon as you start becoming more serious about the task, you can then invest your money in other tools. Just remember that you always have an option!

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The Benefits of Having an Umbrella Insurance Policy

Many people often think that their homeowners and auto insurance is enough to cover expenses as well as protect assets should an accident occur. What no one expects to happen, but very likely could, is an incident where they are sued for an extremely large amount of money that goes above their liability insurance limits. Most people do not carry umbrella insurance though, because they think that nothing catastrophic will ever happen to them. Unfortunately, when these situations do occur, they will realize that everything they worked for in their life is now at risk of being lost because of one unfortunate situation.

Let's say that you are involved in a car accident where the other driver is severely injured, and their luxury vehicle is damaged. They could sue, and if the award is, for example, $1,000,000, but your coverage has a limit of $500,000, then they could go after you for the $500,000 difference. Most people don't have $500,000 lying around, so your home, savings accounts, other assets, and even future salary could be at risk.

Umbrella insurance, which is a form of extended liability insurance, pays for any amount that goes above the liability limit for your home or auto insurance. In the previous example, if umbrella insurance was a factor, then that extra $500,000 would be covered, and your assets would be protected. Umbrella insurance pays up to the amount you select, which usually ranges anywhere from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. This means that your car insurance liability will be used first, and then anything above that amount will come from the umbrella policy.

Umbrella insurance is not just for rich people; everyone can benefit from it since it is affordable. When an insurance claim is filed, most of the money that pays for liability expenses comes from your regular insurance plan, which is why regular insurance is more expensive. Umbrella insurance coverage is only used when the expenses go above and beyond that amount, and therefore makes it less costly.

The more assets you have, the more important it is to have this type of additional insurance. It is important to know the value of your home and other property to help you assess how much additional coverage will be necessary. Finding yourself in a stressful situation after an accident is tough in itself, but if you are protected financially, it will help you focus on what is important, and not on what you could possibly lose.

Business Owner's Policy - BOP   Five Reasons Why You May Need A Liability Umbrella Policy?   The Overview Of Umbrella Policies   Who Needs an Umbrella?   Do I Need Excess Liability Coverage? Don't End Up Like Mary and John!   

The Basic Steps For Conducting an IP Audit

Nearly all companies have some sort of intellectual property that is essential to their success, whether these are patents, trademarks or copyrights. There are also instances where a company acquires the IP assets of another company and in such cases, an IP audit is necessary. This assures that your company keeps its eye on these valuable assets, maintains the necessary paperwork, and can make some profit off them if possible. But if you've never done this before, where do you start? How does one begin with an IP audit? Here are the basic steps you need to undertake.

First and foremost, you'll need a checklist, identifying all the IP your company has. Make an initial list, just to make sure you have a list of all assets. Do this is as soon as you can, as intellectual property rights usually have some sort of time limit. If it's just too much work, consider getting outside help, who know what to look for and what to do. Create this initial list, going through all the paperwork you have on hand. You can also check with the necessary government offices and associations. Later on, you can expand this list to include other details, such as the dates they were registered, the dates their corresponding fees need to be paid and when they expire. This will help you determine your time line for whatever next steps and actions need to be taken.

Next, you'll have to identify which ones of your IP you aren't using, and you can let go or make money through licensing. This ensures that you won't be wasting valuable time and money with upkeep, and that you can make the best use of your IP. For example, if you own the rights to a song, you can make it available for use in TV and movies. Or if you own the patent to a process, you can shop it around and see if any other company can use it for their purposes.

Lastly, it's time to take action. Once you've identified your assets, and determined which you can keep and which should go, you'll have to plan carefully to take the best course of action for your company. You'll have to set up some sort of management procedures, or assign someone to manage your intellectual property for you and your company, since your time is probably better spent on working on your business.

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Banner Advertising Solutions

One of the best ways to beat the saturation of popular keywords, is banner advertising. When using banners to get targeted traffic, first start with, and then find a high traffic keyword--such as, "Make Money, or Home Business." Next, do a related keyword search for that phrase you chose. Then verify the traffic counts in the keyword universe. Last, Google these high traffic keywords, and look for sites that allow banners, and rank organically in the search engines.

When searching for websites that have high traffic sites, you should use keywords, such as jobs, opportunities with home business, work at home, work from home, etc. One good tip when searching for a website that ranks high with certain keywords, is to use synonyms, and adjectives related to your keyword choice.

After you have found a particular site that ranks high with a good keyword, then you need to check the status of the traffic that the site is getting before buying a banner with that website. One good way to check what particular keyword gives a website high traffic, is to ask them, or take the keyword, and type it into Google. The most important aspect about banner advertising is to confirm the traffic that the website claims.

Once you banner is placed on a particular site, next you need to test the link after, or before your billing starts. This needs to be done, because you need to ensure that your banner is working effectively. Also, you should test your capture forms to ensure that you are able to collect the information. If you have an auto-responder set up that connects to your landing page, which is viewed by the banner on a website, you need to test the auto-responders. Testing the auto-responders ensures that your prospects are receiving your follow up messages.

Another tip when using a banner, is to commit to using the banner for at least 90 days. The results can not be rushed, you need to get a full perspective of your traffic, before quitting with a particular banner. Before buying a particular banner with a certain website, be certain that you compare prices with other websites as well. The most effective way, and least expensive way when using banners to get targeted traffic, is to pay by the click. Meaning, that you need to look for a website that charges you only when someone clicks on your banner. Make sure the website does not charge every time someone sees the banner when they click to view that particular website. If a website does charge for the banner each time the banner is viewed, then this is called cost per impressions. Depending on how much traffic the website is getting, using impressions can sometimes cause the cost to be a little high. Normally the best thing to do is to look for a website that has a reasonable price for clicks on certain banners.

How to Be Successful With Banner Advertising!   Banner Advertising Traffic Strategies That Can Work For You - Secrets to Finding Buyers   Using Banner Advertising When You're in a Big Market - How to Get Your Visitors to Spend More Money   Banner Advertising Secrets You Can Use to Get More Traffic - How to Double Your Click Through Rate   Banner Advertising Secrets You Can Use to Get More Traffic - What to Do When You Can't Get Visitors   What is Banner-Advertising?   

What Does RSS Stand For?

Have you endlessly wondered if there was a calm way to bring together all the creative information from your favorite blogs and web sites, and read it all in an individual place? Have you seen the miniature orange web button with the dot and two curves, and wondered what it did? RSS is a suitable and fast way to organize all your preferred Internet rendition sources, and keep track of them with very insignificant effort on your part. If that sounds complicated to set up, read on, for the reason that it's easier than you think.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, a handle which it fully deserves. RSS provides a way for web sites to make their content obtainable through a syndicated feed, which can then be interpreted by whichever application capable of understanding feeds. These applications are called aggregators, or every so often simply feed readers. The way it works is clean.

To begin with, you decide on which aggregator you would like you use. Google provides a complimentary web-based feed reader on their site, while other readers lean to be down-loadable applications that you use individually from the web. Many of these applications are freeware or else shareware, so it won't cost anything to get started unless you decide you need the features of a profit-making aggregator. Once you have chosen an aggregator, all you need to execute is add feeds to it. This is simple enough as soon as you acquire a web site or news service that you would like to watch often, just look for a link that says RSS,subscribe,feed,or some other variation.

Nearly all aggregators will also acknowledge Atom feeds, which are a little different, but are the same for your purposes. You may also see the RSS logo, related to the one shown at the right, and many browsers will detect RSS feeds and find the logo in the address bar for your convenience. Recently click the link for the feed you fancy, and when the page loads (it may look like nonsense to you, but don' worry), just select the URL in your browser's address bar, and print it to your clipboard. Open up your aggregator, select the option to subscribe or add a feed, and paste the copied URL into the empty provided. This will add the feed to your aggregator.

Feeds can be site-wide, or focused on precise topics, so you can choose exactly what information you care for to receive. For instance, many news sites give a feed link that has all original stories, and separate feeds that contain just news stories in specialized categories (sports, politics, headlines, and so on). It can seem like a complicated process to get feeds added to your reader, but if you just try it step by step, after a couple of feeds you'll have it down, and you'll picture how easy it really is. All kinds of sites have RSS feeds, from blogs, to social networks, to magazines, and lifestyle sites (including Totally Her!).

These days you can cause pretty much any in turn you absence via syndication. Subsequently you pick up all the feed addresses you wish added to your aggregator, the rest happens automatically. At the moment you open the reader or refresh the feeds, it searches through all your favorite sites to notice if there's any new content you haven't read yet. It lists the titles of the articles for you, much like an e-mail in box, so you can decide which articles you absence to read, and in what order. Many feed readers include a lot of even more features and customizable settings, so you can set up your daily reading session to look however you absence. You get the convenience of having all your information in one place, and you not at all have to fret if you're missing anything.

RSS is not new-found, but it is only in the past couple of years that the masses are catching on to its benefits. Syndicated feeds can streamline your Internet experience, making your interpretation more efficient and thorough, which in turn can help you spend less time at the central processing unit. So if you're drained of bookmarking sites and after that having to dig through them manually to learn all the news that interests you, download a free of charge feed reader, and start enjoying a simpler, all-in-one solution.

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Five Reasons Why You May Need A Liability Umbrella Policy?

Have you ever wondered if you might need an umbrella policy? What is an umbrella policy designed to protect? What factors should I consider before buying one? The answers to these questions and more are waiting for you inside this article.

As a financial adviser, I often review client insurances for adequacy, cost effectiveness and proper type. One of the most commonly overlooked protections is a personal liability policy or an umbrella. Many people are not quite sure what it is or if they need one.

An Umbrella or personal liability policy is usually an all risk, all peril policy with coverage limits that start at $1,000,000. There are some very specific reasons that you might want to consider purchasing an umbrella and there are also some adjustments that you will want to make to your homeowners and auto insurance if you do.

Reasons To Purchase An Umbrella:

1. Children Driving: One of the simplest reasons to purchase a liability umbrella is if you have young children that are learning to drive or are under age 25. This age drivers are the highest risk drivers for a reason. They are inexperienced, easily distracted (friends, cell phones, texting, etc.) and statistically are involved in more accidents than any other age group. An umbrella policy will cover them all and protect you from losing everything if one of your children happens to cause a serious accident.

2. Assets To Protect: Most homeowner and auto policies have a maximum liability coverage of $500,000. But if you have assets in excess of this amount, you are exposed to a potentially higher liability problem if someone decides to sue you. Maybe you were involved in a car accident or someone slipped on your property, etc. If they sue you for more than the $500,000 and win, it will come out of your pocket or you may have to sell some assets. If your net worth is over this limit, consider purchasing an umbrella policy for the appropriate amount.

3. High Profile Income or Career: Another reason to consider is if you are in a high-profile profession where incomes are typically high. Someone may think that you are wealthier than you are just because of your title or profession and may be more inclined to sue for a larger amount.

4. Litigious Society: Today we live in an extremely litigious society. Lawyers are suing for larger and larger amounts and if you bear any liability, they are winning. Even if you are not liable, the legal defense fees are expensive. Some say that having a million dollar umbrella causes attorney's to sue for more. This may be true, but if you need the protection, it is better to buy the policy and hope you never use it, than it is to need it and not have it.

5. Cost Savings Adjustments: If you decide to purchase an umbrella, you can reduce your overall cost by doing the following. First reduce your homeowners and auto liability limits to their minimum allowed. This may be $100,000 instead of $500,000 and this will save you some premium dollars to offset the cost of the new policy. Next consider increasing your deductible amounts from $100 to $500 or $1,000. This will also reduce your premiums, but remember that if you make a claim, your new higher deductible will cost more.

Summary: For many families today, young drivers, increasing net worth and higher incomes make personal liability protection a necessity rather than an option. The additional cost is not outrageous, usually $300 to $800 annually and if you make some adjustments to other policies, you can possibly cut your extra out-of-pocket cost in half. Make sure that when you look at your overall financial situation and your risk management strategies, you carefully consider this one.

To discover additional financial and income tax strategies, check out my blog or download your FREE Wealth Expansion Kit by clicking here. The first step to creating wealth is knowing where you are and then charting a path that will enhance your financial strengths and correct your weaknesses.

The Overview Of Umbrella Policies   Who Needs an Umbrella?   Do I Need Excess Liability Coverage? Don't End Up Like Mary and John!   Features of Umbrella Insurance Quote For Homeowners   

Improve Your Google Image Rankings: Increase Serps Rank and Get to Page 1 in 10 Steps

Improving your Google images ranking offers you a fantastic opportunity to rank high in Google SERPS. Due to Google's new universal layout many top ranked images now show up on the first page. There is a huge gap in the market as very few people are effectively utilizing Google images as part of their SEO campaign. So here are the best ways to improve Google image ranking and increase your click through rate. Research shows that as much as 15% of all searches are now image searches, so its time for you to get involved too.

1. In order to improve your Google images ranking you need to focus your keyword consistently throughout your page.

- Keyword in the URL

- Keyword in the image ALT text

- Keyword in the image file name

- Keyword in Page title

- Keyword in the headline before image.

- Keyword in image caption

- Keyword in img-title attribute

- Keyword density on page

Improve Google Images Ranking

2. You want consistent keywords in the title, the alt and the file name so make these 3 all the same or highly similar. When writing your file name, use dashes (-) and not (_), Matt Cutts says Google favors them.

3. Make sure your keyword and synonyms are place in and around your image, this highlights your pages and images relevance to the topic, leading you to rank higher. Remember to keep keyword density high at around 4%, if possible bold, underline and italicize your keywords for extra impact.

4. Use larger images: we suggest 333px x 334px or about 10,000 pixels in size, the higher quality the better.

5. Decide on a logical folder to upload all your photo's too and stick to it, a folder simply titled "photo" or "images" should suffice. Remember Google image bot is a blind user; consider all technical aspects of your photos as they all make a difference.

6. Original picture's rank higher, so if you are copying an image remember to change the size and alter them via Photoshop. Just like duplicate content Google doesn't like duplicate images.

7. Image type; from my experience JPEG files tend to rise highest, however PNG files are also good.

8. The Google Image Bot may only come to crawl your site every six months, so its important that you have lots of internal links highlighting your images on your site, guiding the Google bot round your pages.

9. Back links! If you have some experience in SEO you know the importance of back links. Its important that you can get back links linking to your blog page, preferably with "anchor text" as your keyword.

10. External links: you want to reference high page rank websites in your content: for example, Wikipedia if your page is about animals or Matt Cutts, if your page is on SEO.


11. Get an Image site map, Google offers this facility but so few people actually use it. Any small changes can be beneficial in improving your Google images ranking.

12. Make sure your photos stand out from the crowd. The new Google lay-out means that there can be 1000 photo's on one page- that's a lot of competition.

Improving your Google images ranking will result in a higher CTR percentage, but will probably result in a lower conversion rate as people who click through images are not as willing to buy. Although the percentage of image searches is now substantial, is debated weather it is as high as 15%, many SEO experts feel that images are still an extremely marginally searched component. At the end of the day to get the complete SEO package images need to play some sort of role, with some small changes & following these rules you will increase your image rankings.

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PPC Services For Your Search Engine Marketing

Regardless of the business type you are in, if you need search engine marketing, then one of your possibilities to consider is a Pay per Click service. PPC plays a vital role when doing online advertising for promoting various businesses. This type of service allows bidding on keywords to help securing a higher ranking on search engines. Therefore, whenever someone clicks on your links, you pay the price you bid for. This is what makes PPC an affordable and effective way for driving traffic to your site, as you only pay for results.

What are PPC Services?

PPC states for pay per click, which works on Google search partners, your ads being visible on Google search page or any other related theme websites. So, whenever a visitor clicks on your ad, Google charges you, making the whole process a cost of pay per click.

PPC services are meant to help you to effectively manage your PPC accounts in order for you to get the most for your money. Inexperienced users usually don't realize that choosing certain keywords may actually result in spending a lot of money on PPC marketing. The explanation is that some keywords actually cost more because of their high demand and people's inappropriate bidding. That is why those who are implementing PPC management services need to have a complete knowledge of the total budget on a daily basis and bidding criteria like how to adjust CPC. In order to avoid paying a fortune for PPC marketing, one should use a specialized and experienced company for PPC services.

PPC hasn't always been popular. In the early Google days, visitors didn't exactly know what those services are. But nowadays, when online advertising is in a revolutionary stage, PPC services became a need for every paid segment. It has been proved to be the most reliable form of online advertising, because on clicking the ads one gets exact services. All one has to do is deal with bidding selection, keyword phases, landing page and geographical area, and Google does the rest.

How do PPC services work?

Usually, a company offering PPC services will do the following:

- Researching your business keywords and then identifying those that are cost effectively and have the most potential - Then the keywords that were already selected are carefully tested, in order to make sure they provide the right results. This is where the company tries to ensure you get the results you hoped for. - The results are then analyzed and then they can refine the campaign according to the analysis reports. - Last, the process may be repeated until you are satisfied with the results.

What are the benefits of PPC services?

- Competitive advantage - Highly targeted advertising - Instant results - Geographic advertising - Tracking success - Cost control

Why should you buy PPC Services?

- Professionals make sure your campaign will have a good start and handle all the details that are time-consuming - You wouldn't have to take care of every little aspect of your PPC marketing campaign - It is usually cost-effective to hire an experienced company rather that learn how to do it yourself There are many specialized companies that offer PPC services, and it is probably best to work with one of them in order to increase your campaign's effectiveness.

Find Fabulous Keywords With Google AdWords!   Succeeding in Your Pay Per Click or PPC Advertisements   PPC Management - How to Select the Right PPC Management Company   Five Types of AdWords Ads That Can Improve Your Pay Per Click Performance   

Disability Insurance For The Long Term

Disability insurance covers you for an extended period of time. Should you be injured or take ill and as a result be unable to perform the duties of your employment, you will be covered under short term disability, then long term disability insurance will cover you. The coverage can be for a period ranging up to five years or until the disabled individual turns sixty five.

Long term disability insurance is often provided by your employer as part of your benefits package. If you purchase it on your own, the benefits are tax free.

Disability insurance on an individual basis makes great sense as if involved in an accident you are more likely to be disabled than die. Therefore it can be argued that it makes more sense to buy long term disability insurance than life insurance.

Disability insurance policies differ from one provider to the next. It is important that you do your research and find the disability insurance policy that best meets your needs with the insurance company that you trust the most. Insurance companies, through an independent insurance broker, will gladly offer you disability insurance quotes free of charge. You can get quotes online now which is the easiest way as you are not being pushed by an agent.

It is important to purchase your insurance from a company that you trust, because you need the company to be there if you need them. When you get your quotes, be sure to ask questions about the company and the specifics of the policy. Disability insurance needs to be tailored to meet your needs and complement any existing insurance policies that you may already have. Again, be certain that you are buying the plan that meets your needs completely.

Probably the most important thing for you to do, is to read all the provisions of the policy before you buy it.

Do I Really need Disability Insurance Coverage?   Disability Insurance For The Long Term   Disability Insurance in Depth   Do I Really need Disability Insurance Coverage?   Disability Insurance in Depth   

Do I Really need Disability Insurance Coverage?

Many individuals struggle to understand what disability insurance covers. There are two basic forms of disability insurance, short-term and long-term disability. Short-term as its name implies is for a short period of time usually less than a year. Group short-term disability is more prevalent in the work place than long-term. One of the failures that individuals make is assuming that their policy covers 100% of their income. The policy usually covers up to 66 2/3%, it may be only be 50% for 13 weeks only. (Check your employee handbook) Uncle Sam allows you to get the benefit tax free, but you cannot get more in benefit than your pre-tax salary. It is very important that people read their employee benefits carefully.

The two main definitions used to define if benefits under a disability insurance policy are paid include own occupation and any occupation. Own occupation disability means you are unable to perform the substantial duties of your current position in a nutshell. Any occupation includes the duties of a job that you have been trained for through education, training, or experience.

Individual disability policies cover a percentage of your income based on your occupation, the hazard of your responsibilities, and your income. The elimination periods for disability policies usually range from 30-365 days. If you become sick or disabled, exceed the elimination period, and become certified by a physician as unable to work, you may receive a tax free benefit except in rare cases (your employer pays for the policy). The policy is coordinated with any group disability benefits you may be receiving as well as Social Security Disability Insurance if you qualify.

Things to consider when thinking about Disability Insurance:

Can I get sick?

Do accidents occur?

Can I afford to self-fund?

Can I live off my savings?

Does my coverage at work cover short-term & long-term disability?

Do I Really need Disability Insurance Coverage?   Disability Insurance For The Long Term   Disability Insurance in Depth   Do I Really need Disability Insurance Coverage?   Disability Insurance in Depth   

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